Options->Preferences: General->Audio->Max. Amplification
Set that to 200 or so to allow further amplification in software.
Audio->Filters->Volume Normalization
is another way to help boost sound.
Code, computers, and other nonsense. All powered by iguanas, of course.
Options->Preferences: General->Audio->Max. Amplification
Audio->Filters->Volume Normalization
is another way to help boost sound.
<a href="http://www.blogger.com/tv/How%20I%20Met%20Your%20Mother/05/how.i.met.your.mother.s05e11.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv">Season 5 Episode 11</a>;
latest how
, latest -n 2 dollhouse
[switch]$switch = $false,
[string]$query = $(Read-Host -prompt "Keyword"),
[int]$num = $(if ($switch) {Read-Host -prompt "Number"} else {1})
$player = "C:\Program Files\SMPlayer\smplayer.exe"
$client = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$data = $client.DownloadData("http://spot/")
$page = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($data)
# They are displayed on the page with newest on top, but we want to play them in order (oldest to newest)
$matches = [regex]::Matches($page, "href=`"([^\<\>]*?$query[^\<\>]*?\.[^\<\>]*?)`"", "IgnoreCase") | Select-Object -first $num | Sort-Object
$files = ""
foreach ($m in $matches) {
$files += "'http://spot/$($m.groups[1])' "
if ($files.Length -gt 0) {
echo $files
Start-Process $player $files
else { echo "Could not find anything matching '$query'" }