this.UserName = "domain\\user"
this.Password = "pass"
Monday, March 22, 2010
Authentication for Coded VSTS Web Tests
To set credentials for a Visual Studio WebTest programatically, simply add the following to the class that extends WebTest:
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Easily run commands on many machines with powershell
Need to run a series of commands on a bunch of machines in a row? Try something like this in PowerShell:
01,02,03,04,05,08,09,10,19,20,21 |
%{"base10name12{0:D2}" -f $_} | %{
Enable-WSManCredSSP client $_
invoke-command -comp $_ { cp D:\logs\* \\server\share\logs }
restart-computer $_
Deleting SharePoint lists with PowerShell
This web-scrapes the "All Site Content" page of a SharePoint site, picking out the Document Libraries and Lists that are not part of the default setup. It then deletes them (actually sends them to the recycle bin).
Emptying the recycle bin is left as an exercise to the reader (or me, when I have more time)
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential "domain\user",("pass" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force)
$client = new-object
$client.Credentials = $cred
$page = $client.DownloadString("http://server/_layouts/viewlsts.aspx")
$matches = [regex]::Matches($page, "AllItems.aspx`">([^<]+?)<")
$toDel = $Matches | %{$_.groups[1].value} | ?{
$_ -ne "Customized Reports" -and
$_ -ne "Shared Documents" -and
$_ -ne "Site Assets" -and
$_ -ne "Style Library" -and
$_ -ne "Announcements" -and
$_ -ne "Links" -and
$_ -ne "Tasks" -and
$_ -ne "Team Discussion"}
$toDel | %{
$req = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]::Create("http://server/$_")
#$req.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials
$req.Credentials = $cred
$req.Method = "DELETE"
$res = $req.GetResponse()
sleep 5 # give it a chance to catch its breath. otherwise, you may have to run the script several times
Emptying the recycle bin is left as an exercise to the reader (or me, when I have more time)
Saturday, March 20, 2010
If SharePoint Service Instances are "Provisioning" forever...
Note to self: Make sure the SPTimer service is running on all machines in your SharePoint farm. If things seem "paused" (ie: service instances are "provisioning" forever), this may be the culprit.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Faster get-content with ReadCount
By default, get-content reads one line at a time, presumably so you can see file content before PowerShell has finished reading the file. When you want to process large files (ie: logs) and don't want to see the raw contents, use the ReadCount parameter to speed things up. To read x lines at a time, set -ReadCount x. To read the whole file at once, set -ReadCount 0.
Note that this returns an array instead of a single line. The easiest way around this is to feed the resulting array down the pipeline one line at a time (still faster):
More detail here.
cat -ReadCount 0 $file
Note that this returns an array instead of a single line. The easiest way around this is to feed the resulting array down the pipeline one line at a time (still faster):
cat -ReadCount 0 $file | %{$_}
More detail here.
Control lala website from powershell
I recently discovered the lala web music service. I like the idea of having a music collection in the cloud, but I also like having shortcut keys to play/pause, skip, etc, while I'm in another app. PowerShell can control Internet Explorer, so I can do this by calling the following script from AutoHotKey (or the like):
This version expects a lala window to already exist and have music queued up. Future versions will handle this more robustly.
# usage: lala.ps1 -PlayPause -Status
param([switch]$PlayPause, [switch]$Previous, [switch]$Next, [switch]$Show, [switch]$Hide, [switch]$Status)
$app = New-Object -ComObject shell.application
$ie = $app.Windows() | ?{ $_.LocationURL -match "" }
$doc = $ie.Document
if ($Show) { $ie.Visible = $true }
if ($Hide) { $ie.Visible = $false }
if ($Previous) { $doc.getElementById("headerPrevButton").Click() }
if ($PlayPause) { $doc.getElementById("headerPauseButton").Click() }
if ($Next) { $doc.getElementById("headerNextButton").Click() }
if ($Status) {
This version expects a lala window to already exist and have music queued up. Future versions will handle this more robustly.
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