Saturday, September 18, 2010

"Show All Files" crash work-around (Visual Studio 2010)

When I upgraded to Visual Studio 2010, I hit the following problem: after converting my old project to the new format, I made the mistake of clicking on "Show All Files". Once you've done this, it seems you can't go back -- any time I tried to deselect it, VS crashed.

Here's how I fixed it:

  1. Open up PowerShell in your project folder

  2. Run ls -rec | select-string Show

  3. Use your favorite text editor to set all references to "ShowAllFiles" to false

In my case, this ended up being [ProjectName].vcxproj.user, but do the Select-String search to be sure.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

ThinkPad trackpoint scrolling on Windows

For my model (T61), at least, go here.

Download and install the "ThinkPad UltraNav Driver". Requires a restart (lame), but works like a charm afterward.