Friday, January 23, 2009

error C1019: scalar Boolean expression expected

While working on my GPU raytracer, I've come across the following Cg error a few times: error C1019: scalar Boolean expression expected. Weirdly, it only threw this error on the machines at school (the Cg shader code is compiled at run-time). Though the line numbers don't make this clear, the problem code appears to be this:

float4 val = readFloat4FromTexture();
if (val != float4(1,1,1,1)) {

I haven't investigated why this works at home and not school (different Cg compiler versions?), but I fixed it by changing to this:

if (val.x != 1 && val.y != 1 && val.z != 1 && val.w != 1) {

I wasn't able to find *anything* about the error on Google or in the Cg documentation, so hopefully this is useful if anyone else has this problem.


Unknown said...

Bump. Coincidentally, I'm actually getting this same issue with my Cg Raytracer. Hmm, here's my code:

if((info.point.z > -h/2.f) && (info.point < h/2.f))
info.num = 1;

info.normal = info.point; //<-- happens here
info.color = color;

... not sure if that helps. I haven't tested mine at school, so I can't confirm if different versions of cg have an effect.

I'll post if I get it.

Unknown said...

Oh wait, I got mine working just now. that second info.point should have a .z

I bet cgc just doesn't like comparing vectors directly for some reason (boolean values can only be scalars?).