Friday, May 22, 2009

OS X as guest under Linux?

Here I will chronicle some attempts to run OS X as a guest OS on Linux.

My preference would be to use Sun's VirtualBox, since it looks pretty slick and is free. First, looks like I'll need an iso. Not sure if this requires special changes to the iso, or if a straight rip from a legit disk will work. I'm going to look for an iso online for now.

Ubuntu on Mac hardware info

An interesting other note: someone on Ubuntu forums claims to have it working with Qemu, although there is no proof or additional info:

"I have a running OS X on Qemulator (Qemu+KQemu)

qemu -M pc -hda /home/juancarlospaco/OSX -soundhw ac97 -m 1024 -cdrom /home/juancarlospaco/10.5.5/10.5.5.iso -net nic,vlan=0 -net user,vlan=0,hostname=OSX -boot d"

stay tuned...

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