Saturday, May 22, 2010

There and back again: last week's brief return to linux

I put Ubuntu back on my machine recently, because the ATI drivers for my card under Win7 weren't working with my shaders. It was kind of fun, and I do remember liking the control it gave me over customization. However, to my surprise, I noticed several things:
1) Lots of fit and finish bugs (options missing or not being saved, UI elements in the wrong place, stuff like that). And these were all within the first few hours of using the product!
2) At least one completely unexpected hard crash (while scrolling a page in firefox!)
3) I *really* missed the (Shift)+Win+Left/Right/Up window management and Win+P display management from Win7
4) Something in the font smoothing or colors in X gives me a headache! (I can stare at gvim with the desert colorscheme for hours in Win7, but had trouble concentrating after a few minutes in Ubuntu)

I actually remember getting headaches in college when working on code late at night, but I always assumed it was because it was late or I was tired. Now I'm not so sure...

As surprised as I am to say it, I really prefer working in Windows now. As I said, I like the customizability of the linux world, but the quality bar isn't nearly as high as Win7 or OS X. Only the hard-crash prevented me from doing my work, but that's the problem with how the linux world tends to view these problems. There's a sort of broken window theory at play: if it's understood that "minor" bugs can be left in (because "they don't really affect functionality, just work around it! They should use the command line anyway..."), then other more severe bugs will start to creep in.

That said, I'm a stubborn person, and would've scripted my way around it, were it not for the fact that using it literally gave me a headache! Rebooting back to Win7, I was actually comforted by aero theme, taskbar, and other things i have limited control over. Sure, I can't customize them to my hearts content, but I can count on them. I feel at home in Windows now, and if I ever want to really get crazy with customizability, I can look into AutoHotkey.

I'm still curious about why X gave me a headache, though.

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